Iain Dale's guide to bookselling

I've just been leafing through my free copy of Iain Dale's Guide to Political Blogging in the UK. Having got all the way to the back, something leapt off the page: £10!

I wonder how many copies he's sold, given that you can download it for free on his own website?

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posted by Blamerbell @ 7:52 pm,


At 8:17 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's worth it just to read my name at #81 in the non-aligned list.

At 11:22 am, Blogger Jonathan Sheppard said...

The bloggers guide was given away free at party conference. I believe to get an ISBN number and get it on Amazon etc it has to have a price - which is why it has a 10 quid figure on the bank.

I think its the same sort of concept when Think tanks give away pamphlets but on the back they say it will cost you 10 pounds. Perhaps you could donate the tenner to Tory Radio if you got one for free!

At 3:50 pm, Blogger Blamerbell said...

If Tory radio gives me a £10 I'll come on your show and talk about it...


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