Chris Doidge and Bangladeshi children

Labour blogger Chris Doidge is in an ethical quagmire this morning after reports that ASDA is paying its Bangladeshi workforce as little as 3p an hour to produce its clothing range.

Mr Doidge has been widely tipped to become the new face of George, ASDA's flagship clothing brand, in January, when it needs to push all the crap it couldn't even sell over Christmas.

Mr Doidge, a known wearer of the brand, would have featured in the supermarket's new campaign to tap into the blogosphere, with Iain Dale also rumoured to have been offered a three figure deal to promote its range of cheap ties.

A spokesman for Mr Doidge is still asleep, and therefore unavailable for comment.

Photo: Another person called Chris Doidge, holding a fish.

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posted by Blamerbell @ 8:12 am,


At 9:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, the inevitable decline in quality begins. You'll be offshoring your entries next.

That's photo is me before the very necessary facelift.

At 8:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"That's photo is me before the very necessary facelift."

you mean that your current face is the improved one? who did the surgery, Abu Hamza?


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