Sassy, successful and 'single'

Ever wondered what happens when the Wales on Sunday runs out of Charlotte Church stories? Then turn to the centre spread of today's edition for the fifty top Google search results for 'Welsh female', err sorry, the fifty Bachelorettes of the year.

Sunday papers, of course, have that horrible disadvantage over the dailies of six more days to get their facts wrong. And today's WoS was no different:

"Each and every girl in our list is sassy, successful, single, and most importantly Welsh..."

Now, I happen to know number 19 quite well (you beat Miss Wales, Bethan. Well done). But I also know her boyfriend. More quality journalism there from the 'pride of our nation'.

Next week: top 50 bachelors of the blogosphere. Fingers crossed.

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posted by Blamerbell @ 2:42 pm,


At 10:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And since when is number 3 (Charlotte Church) single? Badly done.

At 11:42 pm, Blogger Blamerbell said...

"And since when is number 3 (Charlotte Church) single? Badly done"

I think you mean Katherine Jenkins...?

At 12:25 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was looking on the iC Wales list. Katherine Jenkins is number 2. Are you talking about yet another list?

iC Wales: Revealed: Wales's top 50 single women

At 12:53 am, Blogger Blamerbell said...

You're looking at a list from 2004!

At 5:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really? I an't see any date on it other than the iC navbar. Ah well. So that means it's taken 3 years for miss Jenkins to drop from number 2 to number 3. You'd think she'd be gagging for it by now...

At 10:12 am, Blogger Aled said...

I think they've used the more traditional definition of single, i.e unmarried. Not sure what the female eqivalent of bachelor is (spinster makes me think of Ann Widicome types), but a list of top 50 bachelors would include anmarried men, dating or not.

At 10:25 am, Blogger Blamerbell said...

In that case, why no Charlotte Church?

At 11:58 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because she's pregnant? As for bachelorettes, not a very user-friendly term. I prefer "most eligable"

At 2:34 pm, Blogger Marcusian said...

I await Blamerbell being the top 50 males!!! haha...

At 2:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

they should do a top 50 for bloggers, then we can find out who they all are, and the evil arsembly blogger.

At 6:14 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

they should do a top 50 for bloggers, then we can find out who they all are, and the evil arsembly blogger.

And this coming from a guy who doesn't even allow access to his blogger profile? Shame on you, Blodyn


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