Welsh blogging bug pandemic

It's sweaty pants time here in Blamerbell's Briefs as I sit back and watch the Welsh blogosphere expand relentlessly.

I'm trying to keep up, but it's about as futile as being a street sweeper in studentville: every time you spruce it up some idiot covers it in vomit. Not that these new blogs are filled with bile. Far from it. Here are some picks from the latest additions to my sidebar:

Born: March 07
Best bit: "I have my celice wrapped tightly around my upper thigh as I type."

Dragon's Fire

Born: December 06
Best bit: "We would all do well to remember that there is nothing morally wrong with corporal punishment - on the contrary The Holy Bible instructs and urges us to use it."

Renewed Labour
Born: November 06
Best bit: "You are turning Labour politics into passive consumption and not active participation, you are using people who love this party to indulge yourself in petty power politics."

The People's Republic of Newport
Born: March 07
Best bit: "Charlotte Church is pregnant! Rejoice, oh nation of Wales! Your chain-smoking, hard-drinking princess of dubious talent is about to carry a child."

So, go forth and multiply. But remember not to wash your hands of my underwear.

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posted by Blamerbell @ 12:32 pm,


At 1:14 pm, Blogger Tortoiseshell said...

Ahem. I'm the only blog where you can read a comprehensive thesis on the interface between the redistributive aspects of the welfare state and the concept of national identity - with a pint of real ale in one hand as well!

At 7:21 pm, Blogger Blamerbell said...

To be perfectly honest I had yours and a couple of others on my initial list. But I had to rush out and so I couldn't trawl through looking for the best bits.

So I'm very sorry Mr Tortoise - does that sound like I'm crawling:)

At 8:25 pm, Blogger DR said...

Thanks for the link!

Best wishes.


At 9:29 pm, Blogger Tortoiseshell said...

No worries - I was only jesting! I also note the reciprocated sidebar link - thanks.

But seriously - surely I can claim to be the only one to have used Labour conference as an excuse for seeking out hidden satellite-guided tupperware containers on the Great Orme...?

I intend to do my own round-up of the Welsh politics blogosphere when I get a spare few mins. sometime before the election.

However, I'm probably going to remain an interested onlooker (and occasional commentor on other blogs) rather than a contribute stuff and risk getting my fingers burnt.

I reckon this blogging lark is going to all end in tears for someone, either in the media or in a political party.

The previous David Taylor episode(s) should serve as a warning to us all - yn enwedig i un pleidwraig yn arbennig...

PS Tortoiseshell is a type of cat, not a tortoise! PMSL!!!

At 9:48 pm, Blogger Blamerbell said...

"I reckon this blogging lark is going to all end in tears for someone, either in the media or in a political party."

I reckon, in the long-term at least, it'll be the chaps without blogs who suffer the most.

If turnout isn't going to shrink in on itself like a carelessly discarded condom then politicians have to emerge from the abyss with a bit of wmff and personality.

The bloggers, and not the press release pedalers, understand this and they'll do just fine.

At 12:31 pm, Blogger Tortoiseshell said...

"The bloggers, and not the press release pedalers, understand this and they'll do just fine."

Yes, I agree in the case of the politicians who blog publicly.

At 10:39 pm, Blogger Marcusian said...

Press release pedallers??

In the 'real' world this is part of my job...

thanks for the big up! Good to see welsh blogs becoming a community!

At 10:21 am, Blogger Blamerbell said...

"Press release pedallers??

In the 'real' world this is part of my job..."

But not on your blog. So, that's a good thing!


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