'Welsh train passengers are second class'

Peter Hain likes speaking out against things - tax, Guantanamo Bay, Russia. Today, he took on First Great Western.

As I've written HERE and HERE, the train company recently won a franchise from the government which involves cutting a number of key commuter services in Wales. They're now in the peculiar position of being criticised left, right and centre by Labour politicians, despite having their plans approved by the Labour Government's own Department for Transport.

Hain waded into the debate today, calling the cancellation of the 5.18 service to Swansea 'not acceptable.'

'First Great Western are treating Welsh passengers as second-class passengers and that is not acceptable. I hope that [they] will reverse their policy,' he said.

The timetable changes on December 10th, and as with all the other matters on which Hain is apparently 'unspoken,' he has absolutely no power to turn it around.

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posted by Blamerbell @ 3:56 pm,


At 11:32 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'd think Hain would be a big train fan after his wife's motorway incident at the weekend.


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