It's election time: these are our two 1st priorities
Friday, February 16, 2007
The Tories are playing a very clever trick in the run up to May's elections. Whatever issue is currently hot is suddenly their new first priority. The electorate, after all, has a short memory.
21 October 2006, Party leader Nick Bourne: "Welsh Conservatives will back our NHS. It is our priority above all else. It's as simple and straightforward as that."
Hang on a second!
12 February 2007, Environment spokesman Brynle Williams: "Tackling climate change is our first priority. Wales must do its part to help Britain show global leadership on climate change."
So which is it - NHS or tackling climate change? Both noble causes indeed, but by definition only one can be a first priority.
And yet, three days later...
15 February 2007, Party leader Nick Bourne: "I have made it quite clear that the Welsh Conservatives’ number one priority is our cherished NHS."
Yes, about as clear as the murky sea water that will surely rise to wash away the palm trees on the all new climate change enhanced Welsh riviera.
Labels: Brynle Williams, climate change, Conservative party, election promises, NHS, Nick Bourne, politics, priority, Tories, Welsh Assembly Election 2007
posted by Blamerbell @ 1:10 pm,
- At 1:54 pm, Richard Hazlewood said...
I refer you to the comments Nick gave to the South Wales Echo this week:
"Health will be our number one priority and public services are, of course, crucial. But if we don't address climate change, we'll find as a world, never mind a nation, everything else will be pointless." - At 2:01 pm, Blamerbell said...
Golly, you're quick today!
- At 2:17 pm, Glyn Davies said...
Hazlewood's always quick - and right too. As winding up the Assembly debate which Brynle opened, I pointed out that tackling climate change is an issue like no other. It has to be the top priority for all levels of government over future years. I wanted everyone to understand what we were voting for. All parties supported the motion. Now, to give it effect!