Ian Titherington v the world

OK, perhaps the Welsh blogosphere isn't the world, but it's still a brave man who takes on the combined might of Peter Black and Glyn Davies et al.

And in his very first blog post too. What a way to introduce yourself to your new friends.

Ian Titherington, Plaid's man in Swansea West, is blogging, albeit reluctantly:

After all the promises I made to myself, I have ignored them all and created an election blog site. Well you know what they say about politician's promises!

I will fill up these pages this weekend, when I have time to do so. I do worry a little about full time politicians who actually have the time to update these things daily. With respect, they need to get a life.


Still, Swansea West could be one to watch. Plaid's Ted Jones is bigging up the chances of his mate, despite the 2,500 Labour majority. But whether he can muster an upset or not, pitching a hope-to-be First Minister against no-nonsense Ian means it's still a seat worth keeping an eye on. That's if he can find time to campaign between blogging and shopping for that perfect election handbag.

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posted by Blamerbell @ 12:13 pm,


At 1:54 pm, Blogger Ian James Johnson said...

Smaller majority for Andrew Davies in Swansea West than Jane Hutt in the Vale of Glamorgan....

I liked the post about the 'Trident Coalition' - maybe we could see a Labour/Tory coalition could be in charge of Wales after May 3rd?

At 3:56 pm, Blogger Deleted said...

At the General Election the big swing in Swansea West was to the Lib Dems (9.6%).

With all those students in Swansea University wary of Labour's penchant for top-up fees, they may be the ones to watch.

At 4:57 pm, Blogger hafod said...

Swansea W is among 15 constituency seats with majorities of under 3000:

Lab > Con = 7
Lab > PC = 5
LD > Con = 1
PC > Con = 1
FW > Lab = 1

if Labour lost all 12 and gained Wxm, it would be reduced to 18 FPTP seats. It would probably gain 4 list seats in North and Mid and West Wales as a result, taking it to 22.

The more I hear about canvassing returns from around the country, the more I believe that Labour is in meltdown and could well face this kind of scenario.

At 5:15 pm, Blogger Blamerbell said...

Somebody's been doing their homework:)

I'd be surprised if Labour lost 12 constituency seats. But then anything can happen in these elections given that no real pattern has been set as yet.

"At the General Election the big swing in Swansea West was to the Lib Dems (9.6%)."

As with the opportunistic Lib Dem who predicted Ceredigion would also go gold, General Election swings aren't always good indicators for Assembly election results.

And yet this may be the election that causes the yoof to finally wake up.

At 6:13 pm, Blogger Ian James Johnson said...

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At 6:19 pm, Blogger Ian James Johnson said...

I suspect that many of these contests would be a great deal more interesting if they were being fought under the old system and the opposition parties' senior challenging candidates (such as Dai Lloyd in Swansea West or Mark Isherwood in Delyn) were standing in their 'home' constituencies.


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