Heart of Wales: policies to die for

How many Tory MPs, I wonder, can even pronounce 'Eisteddfod' let alone have the slightest clue as to what it is?

Well, I suppose that doesn't matter. The Tories in Wales do their own thing these days.

Today, they've pledged to set up a £400,000 a year fund for the National Eisteddfod with an extra £100,000 in the first year. They claim it'll safeguard the long-term future of a great Welsh tradition.

We must now eagerly await the response from Plaid Cymru and the latest chapter in the head-to-head battle to be Wales' most Welsh party. Ironically, Plaid have in the past had to convince voters they are not just a party for Welsh speakers, while the Tories have had to shed their 'Made in England' image. Now, the tables are turned.

What a confused world it is, where the Tories are trumpeting their national pride while Plaid are allegedly promoting their conservatism. There couldn't be an election round the corner, perchance?

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posted by Blamerbell @ 5:37 pm,


At 10:49 pm, Blogger cymrumark said...

The comment by Dylan is utter rubbish unless a member of our team send it tongue in cheek. Where when, and by whom was this comment made?

At 9:40 am, Blogger Glyn Davies said...

Our committment to the Eisteddfod and to being a Party committed to the interests of Wales is now well established. Most of our party have become fully engaged with devolution and are determined that it should be successful. We are hardly going to stop this approach because there is an election due shortly!!

At 10:04 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another free bee before the election from a political party.Everyone knows that public sector finances will be tighter in the next spending round except off course the political parties in wales who continue to toss public money around like confetti. It will end in tears.

At 12:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAG: "The Eisteddfod will receive nearly £460k in this financial year from the Assembly Government through the Welsh Language Board."

The tories seem to be proposing a cut in funding (except for the 1st year of their 'generous' plan).

At 11:33 pm, Blogger hafod said...

Another free bee before the election from a political party.

That's a shit policy, unless you've got a bonnet handy.

At 6:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Given the closeness of the race in Aberconwy between the Tories and Plaid, it would interesting to know whether Gareth Jones is therefore claiming to be a socialist to the blue rinse brigade of Llandudno because the rest of his party certainly are.

I think we need to be told!!!!

At 9:43 am, Blogger Richard Hazlewood said...

Nice try anonymous, but you're wrong. Welsh Conseratives are proposing a £400,000 a year direct payment to the Eisteddfod (subject to an acceptable business plan) on top of any monies from the Welsh Language Board.

At 11:39 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the Eisteddfod will get a total of £960,000 in the first year of conservative rule and £860,000 every year after that?


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