Ieuan Wyn Jones is a 'weak daffodil'

Labour's press people revealed today that they aren't just au fait with YouTube, they're a whizz at photoshop too.

So, they've turned Ieuan Wyn Jones into a sort of Tory tree monster, intended to symbolise the fact that Plaid have apparently voted over 400 times with the Conservatives in the Assembly.

This is the latest attempt by Labour to re-ignite the 'Vote Plaid get Tory' mantra, despite recent assertions by the nationalists that they hoped would not only have knocked the nail on its head, but knocked it right through into the eyes of any opportunistic Tories.

But Labour remain undeterred, if slightly lacking in imagination. The line is supposed to be that 'Ieuan Wyn Jones is a weak daffodil', whatever that is. But given Plaid's new image, surely 'floppy poppy' would have made for a more resonant metaphor. At the very best they've made him look like one of those tree people from Lord of the Rings.

Plaid start their conference tomorrow and have the opportunity to kill the VPGT rumours once and for all. If they dare.

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posted by Blamerbell @ 10:37 am,


At 12:10 pm, Blogger Marcusian said...

Although it has been mentioned before, i still think Plaid is dodging the potential Tory coalition and independence question. They threatened legal action against Labour, but still refuse to confirm that they will not enter a coalition with the Tories. If they did enter a coalition with the tories i think it would basically mean the loss of all Plaid's credibility as a centre-left party of Wales.

At 1:14 pm, Blogger Richard Hazlewood said...

Thought Labour might want to avoid mentioning trees after this

At 2:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plaid have said in plain words that they would not enter a coalition with the Tories, so to say that they're ambiguous on the matter is just bollocks. They've also made their stand on independence quite clear, over and over again.

At 3:34 pm, Blogger Marcusian said...


Please find me evidence of a senior plaid politician stating that Plaid will NEVER enter a coalition with the tories? We all know Adam Price and Ieuann WHINGE Jones have different opinions on who they be in cahoots with. And Dafydd Wigley is on the record as saying that they should enter a 'rainbow' coalition which includes the tories. If you do find evidence of a senior Plaid politician saying they will NEVER go into a coalition with the tories then they have been keeping it a very good secret...

Vote Plaid- get tory.

I can understand the Lib Dems hedging bets due to the nature of their fundamental beliefs being less ideologically aligned, but Plaid and the Tories are fundamentally different to each other.

If you watched the Dragon's eye the exposed the way Plaid dodged the independence issue then you would be aware that they dont want it to be an election issue, because not only does it divide the party it doesnt appeal to most people outside of the Gwynedd Ultras...

At 4:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


What a load of bollocks. It was on the very programme that you claim to have watched (Dragon's Eye) that Plaid made it absolutely clear what their stand on independence was, and it is obvious that you have some major political wax in your ears if you haven't heard senior members of Plaid Cymru stating that a coalition with the Tories is not going to happen. Your comments are excellent examples of the provincialist fantasy world Welsh Labour live in.

At 5:09 pm, Blogger Marcusian said...

Your Chairman stated that the party is committed to he standing in the Welsh Assembly Elections?

Can you find me Ieuann WHINGE Jones stating on the record that they are COMMITTED to an independent Wales?

Why arent Plaid campaigning on this? Why arent they saying 'Vote Plaid for independence'?

Surely the time has come for Plaid to say 'Vote Plaid- for an TOTALLY independent Wales', particularly as they have stated that independence is the ONLY way to achieve the Poverty target. But then if we applied that logic to your environment policy then we potentially could lose thousands of Welsh jobs because we are setting ourselves higher targets than the UK-wide targets because we are reliant on heavy industry...

"To promote the constitutional advancement of Wales with a view to attaining Full National Status for Wales within the European Union."

This is an AIM from your website...Whats funny is that much like the poverty targets they attacked, irony of ironies, YOU CANNOT ACHIEVE THIS WITHOUT WESTMINSTER!!!

Is Plaid promising a referendum on independence like the SNP? Surely a party that in PLAIN WORDS have committed to independence would see this is a vital next step to be taken?

Will all Plaid's politicians promise to resign if they reneged on their guarantee to NEVER form ANY coalition that involves the tories?

Hasnt Labour delivered 'constitutional advancement', has Labour delivered Devolution? Has Labour delivered the governance of Wales act?

At 5:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plaid's ever-charismatic Assembly leader today said, outright, that they would never join a Tory-led coalition. He then said, explicitly, that they would serve in a coalition that contained Tories. Sanddef, as disteressing as this may be to the Nationalist community, Plaid most certainly WOULD eneter into colaition with the Tories. This is not conjecture or opinion, but fact. Juts take a look at today's South Wales Echo and read the interview for yourself.

At 5:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand why you are going on about whether or not Plaid will enter a rainbow coalition containing the Tories. If Labour have done an excellent job to date...ahem.....then the electorate will give them an outright majority will they not? The negative politics of fear from a party who last week wone the vot on renewing Trident with Tory help. Hypcrites!

At 5:48 pm, Blogger Marcusian said...

"Plaid's ever-charismatic Assembly leader today said, outright, that they would never join a Tory-led coalition. He then said, explicitly, that they would serve in a coalition that contained Tories. Sanddef, as disteressing as this may be to the Nationalist community, Plaid most certainly WOULD eneter into colaition with the Tories. This is not conjecture or opinion, but fact. Juts take a look at today's South Wales Echo and read the interview for yourself."

This is exactly my point...albeit with better spelling (jokes).

ANON- i think the PR system makes it very hard for any party to establish a majority, but lets be honest a hell of alot more people vote for Labour than any other party in Wales. That has been true for a 100 years!

At 5:51 pm, Blogger Welsh Spin said...

It seems to me that this is a perfectly legitimate Labour attack.

Labour have stated absolutely clearly that they would never serve in a third term Assembly Cabinet that contained Tories.

For all Sanddef's assertions, Plaid's Assembly Leader (the only one of their leaders whose opinion counts on this issue) has refused to make any such clear committment. The fact that he is keeoping the door ajar means Labour have every right to highlight the possibility. It is after all a legitimate consideration for us electors whose priority is to keep the Tories out.

At 5:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon - renewing the nuclear deterrent was a Manifesto commitment at the last UK Govt elections. People voted on it, and gave Labour a thumping majority. You may disagree with it, but there's nothing hypocritical about keeping manifesto promises.

At 5:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"ANON- i think the PR system makes it very hard for any party to establish a majority, but lets be honest a hell of alot more people vote for Labour than any other party in Wales. That has been true for a 100 years!"

Yes. And it's one of the poorest 'regions' in the whole of western Europe. Damn lot of good that has done the people.

At 5:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Tim said...
Anon - renewing the nuclear deterrent was a Manifesto commitment at the last UK Govt elections. People voted on it, and gave Labour a thumping majority. You may disagree with it, but there's nothing hypocritical about keeping manifesto promises."

Havn't we moved on since then with Iran being a burning issue? I think 'Hypocrites' is very much the correct word to use.

At 6:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"ANON- i think the PR system makes it very hard for any party to establish a majority"

But Labour had a mojority.....and as I said, if they have done an excellent job then I am sure they will regain Blaenau Gwent and keep all the seats they currently hold.

At 6:16 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marcusian is a trainee spindoctor - 'nuff said.

At 6:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But Labour had a mojority.....and as I said, if they have done an excellent job then I am sure they will regain Blaenau Gwent and keep all the seats they currently hold.

That's the funniest comment I've read yet

As for the others: If you Labour bunnies really want to know what Plaid's aims are, look them up yourselves. It's frankly hilarious how nervous Plaid make you if all you can up with campaign-wise every elction is "what about independence?" instead of bread-and-butter issues. If a referendum on the constitution of Wales is so important to you then you've had 8 years to do something about it. Go and start a petition. As for what "my chairman" (sic) has said, Im not a member of any party, but I am a Welshman who has seen the fruits of further devolution throughout Europe, which is why I won't be voting for the geriatric and so called "Welsh" Labour Party in May.

It's also funny as fuck how Labour chronies belittle IWJ's charisma, I mean look at Rhodri "Dull" Morgan!!!

Tim: The only "Uber-Nats" obsessed with independence here seem to be Labour fans ;-)

PS: Im not going to reply to or even read any more anonymous comments. Make up a name for God's sake.

At 7:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dai says:

"Tim said...
Anon - it always annoys me on blogs when people lose their rags and resort to personal insults. I always feel it makes them look like they've lost both the argument and the moral high ground."

What personal insults are you talking about Tim? It was me who menioned Blaenau Gwent and Trident. I don't think I was being personal at all. Please point out where I became personal.

My comment regarding Blaenau Gwent etc was definitely said with tongue in cheek. A spot of sarcasm. I very much doubt that New Welsh Labour will gain ground in the coming Assembly election - they just havn't delivered.

At 7:14 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually im not a Nat i just hate you CORRUPT, DEADWOOD SOCIALISTS that turn everything you touch to SHIT. I can't wait until Broon leads the Labour Party to oblivion and 20 years in the abyss while a new Thatcherite revolution begins. No more pointless jobs in the Guardian every Thursday!

At 7:21 pm, Blogger Der said...

Thatcher was an English Nationalist. She said it herself. So, Anon, you must be a Nat too - of the English variety?!

At 7:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Dai: That doesn't make it any less funny)

Im sure Plaid are over the moon about all the free exposure you Labour luvvies are giving them

By the way, love your blog marcusian, it really shows what a free thinking individual you are!

At 10:50 pm, Blogger Marcusian said...

Anon- im not a trainee spin doctor, i am an MA student who works part-time in a constituency office.

I am a perfectly free thinking individual, that doesnt mean i cannot establish a belief in a party. The blogs fun, its nothing more a chance for me to cutt my teeth and rant and rave without hurting anyone.

You dont have to read it my man...

At 12:17 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You dont have to read it my man...

Don't worry, once was quite enough ;-)

At 7:20 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, the new 'positive' Plaid Cymru that will not attack any of its opponents over the next few weeks.

Obviously someone forgot to tell Mark Jones (www.cymrumark.blogspot), their candidate in the Vale of Clwyd, who seems to spend most of his time these days in Llandudno supporting Gareth Jones' faltering campaign against Denise Idris Jones.

But would you expect anything less from someone who is a turncoat from the Lib Dems - old habits die hard.

At 7:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But would you expect anything less from someone who is a turncoat from the Lib Dems - old habits die hard."

Wasn't Marc Jones a Lib Dem when he lived in England? I suppose it was rather difficult for him to join the local Plaid Cymru branch while there.....doh!

At 12:46 pm, Blogger cymrumark said...

Fame at last fame at last!!!!

Please talk about me some more...promote my blog etc..

Oh actually i did join Plaid whilst I lived in leicester....

I do spend a lot of time in aberconwy as er I live and work there:)

At 2:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I saw on your blog your glorification of the great Tesco!

Whilst I believe there is no shame in working in a grocery store (did it myself for many years)

The shame is speaking kindly of one of the largest corporate giants in Britain (and the world) that pays dog shit wages for hard work. And also shameful to speak kindly about a union (USDAW) that has taken its membership's money, and does not fight for pay rises that its membership can live on.

please see this letter from yesterday's Echo

I am a single parent working for a large retail company. After I have paid rent and council tax I am left with £59 a week to pay all other bills, £2 more than I would get on Jobseekers allowance. If they want single parents to return to work, who is going to work for just £2 and end up in a position like I am? I am working all hours to no avail. I have the worst house in my area, as everyone else is in receipt of benefits or claiming illegally. Where is the justice for hardworking lone parents?

I think that sums it up. I don't see that much difference between the Labour Party and the Tories.

The only difference between Maggie Thatcher and Tony Blair, is she carried a handbag and had balls. He's got neither.

Vote Labour get nothing!

At 4:21 pm, Blogger Marcusian said...


I was merely saying that Elfyn Llwyd was belittling 'shelfstackers' as something not to be seen as a job. I am passionate believer that we need to wrestle our democratic control away from the corporations, that their pursuit of profit is now becoming far too slanted against the social problems that outsourcing and bad practice has resulted in. If you scan back in my blog you will see me give burberry and multinationals both barrels...You probably didnt look at that though did you?


I am firmly for raising the minimum wage, i think there is not enough emphasis on that being seen as a tool for getting more people to want to work.

I work for minimum wage waiting tables, my mum has 'shelfstacked' all her life to support me and my siblings. I am fully aware there is more to do but in all fairness Labour brought in the minimum wage in the first place...

One doth maketh too big a judgement from reading ones blog...

At 11:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a perfectly free thinking individual, that doesnt mean i cannot establish a belief in a party. The blogs fun, its nothing more a chance for me to cutt my teeth and rant and rave without hurting anyone.

I wouldn't accuse it of ranting and raving, dear me no. I would however describe it as purile sycophancy.

At 12:22 am, Blogger Independence4Celts said...

Well I'd rather have a daffodil than Rhodri a weak english rose; just look at their emblem. Plaid is the only party that cares just for the people of Wales. The reason why they don't state 'vote Plaid for independence', is that they want to do it a step at a time; a Scottish type Parliament first, then if the people of Wales want, independence. Why shouldn't we get independence, we are a nation and nations are better off when they govern themselves; quoted from Alex salmond of the SNP. The Scotts want independence, the Irish have independence, the english would love to get rid of us and look after themselves. Take a look at this:


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