Whose rainbow is it anyway?
Friday, February 23, 2007

That's because Elfyn Llwyd, Plaid Cymru's leader in Westminster, re-ignited the possibility of a coalition with the Tories at the precise moment he was shoved on the BBC's Dragon's Eye programme in order to rule it out.
Plaid were threatening to sue Labour for continually suggesting they might serve in a Tory-led administration after the election on May 3rd. That, they claim, is a lie: 'We will never serve under a Conservative First Minister'.
But what about a Plaid-led rainbow coalition?
'We are keeping our options open,' was the reply.
So as long as Plaid are the senior partner, the suggestion is that a rainbow coalition is still on the cards. Mixed news, then, for Nick Bourne who'll wonder what he's done to be so emphatically ruled out as a possible successor to Rhodri Morgan.
But what if the Conservatives win more seats than Plaid - do they not have the right to expect senior status in a coalition? What is Plaid Cymru's rationale for saying a coalition is an option only if they are in charge?
It seems that Plaid have taken the sting out of this issue only to then stick it in their eye. As it stands, the Conservatives can hang on to their hope of a pot of gold after May 3rd and Labour can still say 'Vote Plaid get Tory' with at least some justification. There's life in the old rainbow yet.
Labels: Dragon's Eye, Elfyn Llwyd, Plaid Cymru, politics, Rainbow Coalition, Welsh Assembly Election 2007, Welsh Conservatives, Welsh Labour
posted by Blamerbell @ 9:00 am,
- At 11:27 am, said...
well Blamerbell, you've been rubbishing Glyn Davies for weeks for even daring to suggest a Rainbow coalition (whoever leads it!)
He's not the starry eyed idealist you know - just a political realist - as I'm sure you are.
Give him a bit of credit! - At 11:38 am, Bonheddwr said...
Nothing new was said on last night's Dragon's Eye program. Plaid have said from the start (like all of the main parties) that anything is possible after May's elections.
But unlike the other main parties, Plaid have said from the start that they are not ruling anything out EXCEPT for being part of a Conservative led administration.
Labour have not ruled out co-operatring with any other party after the elections either.
A more realistic slogan would be, Vote for Labour, and get Lib Dem!
The difference between leading a coalition, that includes the Tories, and being part of a coalition led by the Tories is HUGE! IF the Conservatives become the largest 2nd Party after May's election, Plaid will definitely not join them in a coalition Government. - At 5:36 pm, said...
"Labour have not ruled out co-operatring with any other party after the elections either."
That's not true. Rhodri Morgan has ruled out Welsh Labour working with the Tories in a coalition.
Plaid are going to suffer in the polls by not ruling out working with the Tories.... - At 7:32 pm, Glyn Davies said...
Interesting comment from Hedd. It seems that a Rainbow Coalition is ok - but only if Ieuan gets to be First Minister. I seem to remember principles like that in primary school!
And I wouldn't take too much notice of anon - who is clearly a Labour sympathiser who can see the writing on the wall for his party.
lads is kind - but as far as I can see, the Rainbow Coalition is suddenly the main game in town. Unless we accept that Wales must be a 'one party state', it has always seemed obvious to me that the prospect of a Rainbow Coalition should be raised. Any party shoring up Rhodri Morgan in power next May, if Labour have a seriously bad election result will pay a heavy price with voters long-term. - At 11:34 pm, Blamerbell said...
"The difference between leading a coalition, that includes the Tories, and being part of a coalition led by the Tories is HUGE!"
Try explaining that to the electorate. They are more likely to side with Glyn and say it sounds like the politics of the playground. - At 5:55 pm, said...
Does this open up the possibility of Plaid bailing Labour out if they fail to win enough seats on May 3rd?
I agree with Glyn- this does seem like the politics of the playground or as he says- "I seem to remember principles like that at primary school.!! - At 7:19 pm, Blamerbell said...
"Does this open up the possibility of Plaid bailing Labour out if they fail to win enough seats on May 3rd? "
Did it need opening up?