Who's dreaming of more devolution?

It's 2011. Thanks to a campaign boosted by the internet and the huge popularity of his blog, Huw Lewis is First Minister of Wales.

Helen Mary Jones has bought a new scarf each day for the past decade and now has enough to be able to tie a double ribbon around the axis of the earth. She's also in charge of Plaid after Ieuan Wyn Jones started a sponsored walk without knowing where he was going. Somewhere, out there, he's still walking.

Kirsty Williams leads the Lib Dem team in the assembly and Lembit Opik is a judge on X-Factor.

Nick Bourne retired a millionaire after his shares in an energy efficient light bulb factory paid huge dividends and the Tories are resurgent under the direction of that chubby young councillor chap.

And Wales is preparing for a referendum on giving the assembly law-making powers. That's (sort of) the view of John Osmond, director of the Institute of Welsh Affairs.

But is it the view of the politicians? Plaid would be up for it, the Tories have hinted they'd go that way and Labour and the Lib Dems... well, who knows? Surely, though, this is a matter to clear up right now? If the parties are even contemplating a referendum on further devolution sometime before the next next election, they must say so. After all, 2011 might be some time away, but a vote now may very much determine what happens then.

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posted by Blamerbell @ 10:53 am,


At 10:10 pm, Blogger bethan said...

'Helen Mary Jones has bought a new scarf each day for the past decade and now has enough to be able to tie a double ribbon around the axis of the earth.'

Don't you know that she's got a tattoo on her neck saying I luv blamerbell... She's so embarressed she can't show anyone..
Word has it that Rhodri Glyn is the next to have it done, so watch for his new cravate!!

At 7:41 am, Blogger Professor Dylan Jones-Evans said...

At the 2006 Welsh Conservative Party confernec in Llandudno, Cheryl Gillan stated that the next Conservative Government at Westminster will not oppose giving the National Assembly more powers, if the people of Wales show that is what they want in a referendum.

That is pretty unequivocal as to where the Welsh Conservatives stand on this issue, don't you think.


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